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Jakość wody rzeki Wisły i jej dopływów na terenie wybranych gmin powiatu cieszyńskiego (Polska południowa)

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Water quality of the Vistula River and its tributaries in selected municipalities in the Cieszyn district (South Poland)
Języki publikacji
The paper presents an assessment of the water quality of the Vistula river and its tributaries in selected municipalities in the Cieszyn district based on benthic macroinvertebrates. A total of 45 samples were taken on nine positions. Most of the collected individuals were identified to the family level, except: Heptageniidae which was diagnosed to the genus; Turbellaria and Oligochaeta identified into the class. The conducted research showed that 54 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates occurred at the analyzed sites. Among them, 40 taxa have a bioindica-tive value. The most sensitive to pollution are mayflies from the family Ameletidae and caddisflies from the families Glossosomatidae, Leptoceridae and Beraeidae. However, their fre-quency and density at the study sites was very low. The families Ephemerellidae, Heptageniidae, Hydropsychidae and Polycentropodidae as well as annelids from the Oligochaeta class were much more frequent. Based on macrozoobenthos diversity data, two biological indices were calculated: BMWP-PL index and Margalef’s biodiversity index. The values of these biological indicators was using to the classiffication of water into the appropriate quality class. The final classification showed that the examined sections of the Vistula river represents the I, II and III class of water quality what indicated high, good and moderate ecological potential/state. The first class of water quality in terms of both indices was recorded at the sites located in Ustroń, Skoczów and Drogomyśl. For these positions, the value of the BMWP-PL index was over 100, while the value of the Margalef’s index was in the range of 6.26–7.17.The lowest, third class of water quality was found in Kiczyce and Ochaby Wielkie. In these places, the diversity of macroinvertebrates was the lowest, which was reflected in the low values of both studied indices (BMWP-PL: 40; 41, Margalef's index: 2.6; 3.37).
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys., tab.
  • University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala
  • Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala
  • Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala
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