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Post-rift deformations in the surroundings of Rechnitz tectonic window, Eastern Alps

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Bibliogr. 15 poz., rys.
  • Department of Geophysics and Space Sciences, Eotvos Lordnd University, 1/C Pdzmdny P. str, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
  • Department of Geology, University of West Hungary, 4. Kdrolyi Gdspdr square, H-9700 Szombathely, Hungary
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  • 3. FODOR, L., UHRIN, A., PALOTÄS, K., SELMECZI, I., TOT- HNE MAKK, Ä., RIZNAR, I., TRAJANOVA, M., RIFELJ, H., JELEN, B., BUDAI, T., KOROKNAI, B., MOZETIC, S., NÄDOR, A. & LAPANJE, A., 2011. A Mura-Zala-medence vizföldtani elemzest szolgalo földtani-szerkezetföldtani modellje. Magyar Ällami Földtani Intezet, 46 p. (in Hungarian with English abstract)
  • 4. FÜLÖP, J., 1994. Magyarorszag geologiaja. Paleozoikum II. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 444 p. (in Hungarian)
  • 5. JASKO, S., 1964. A nyugat-vas megyei barnakoszenterület. Földtani Kutatas, 7: 24-48 (in Hungarian)
  • 6. KOSI, W., SACHSENHOFER, R. F. & SCHREILECHNER, M.,High resolution sequence stratigraphy of Upper Sarmatian and Lower Pannonian Units in the Styrian Basin, Austria. In: Piller, W. E. (Ed.) Stratigraphia Austriaca, Österr. Akad. Wiss., Schriftenr. Erdwiss. Komm. 16: 63-86.
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  • 8. MAGYAR, I., GEARY, D. H. & MÜLLER, P., 1999. Paleogeographic evolution of the Late Miocene Lake Pannon in Central Europe. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 147: 151-167.
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  • 11. SACHSENHOFER, R. F., LANKREIJER, A., CLOETINGH, S. EBNER, F., 1997. Subsidence analysis and quantitative basin modeliing in the Styrian Basin (Pannonian Basin System, Austria). Tectonophysics, 272: 175-196.
  • 12. SZABO, V. & KOVÄCS, G., 2014. Geophysical and GIS study of gravel layer on Gyöngyös plain and Köszeghegyalja, W-Hungary. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16: 385
  • 13. TARI, G., HORVÄTH, F. & RUMPLER, J., 1992. Styles of extension in the Pannonian Bas in. Tectonophysics, 208: 203219.
  • 14. TARI, G. & HORVÄTH, F., 2010. A Dunantuli-közephegyseg helyzete es eoalpi fejlodestörtenete a Keleti-Alpok takaros rendszereben: egy masfel evtizedes tektonikai modell idoszerusege. Földtani Közlöny, 140: 483-510.
  • 15. TELBISZ, T., KOVÄCS, G., SZEKELY, B. & SZABO, J., 2013. Topographic swath profile analysis: a generalization and sensitivity evaluation of a digital terrain analysis tool. Zeitschriftfür Geomorphologie, 57: 485-513
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