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Common units of measurement - for 55 years SI has been with us!
Języki publikacji
Almost unbelievable but we have been living together with the SI for 55 years already (1960-2015). This system allows to metrologists, scientists, pharmacists, entrepreneurs and consumers etc. all over the World to communicate in the common language in measuring for many different purposes. Starting from 1875 the BIPM has coordinated the common work to unify all base units of the SI. The kilogram remains as the last unit defined by a material artefact. The evolution (redefinition of all base units of the SI) is going to be ended soon. This article focuses your attention on the progressing evolution of the SI and its unquestionable importance for the ongoing development of the humankind. For a very long time Poland (GUM) has also been present in the Metrology World. Our country joined the Metre Convention in 1925 and we are in the SI zone.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz., fot., tab.
- Główny Urząd Miar
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