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The research problem picked up in the article was deter-mined by assessing the reliability of highway toll collection system based on the analysis of its operation. The complexity and diversity of the factors limiting the processes operating in the transport process significantly hinders the use of a universal indicator reliability assessment manual toll collection systems. Therefore, the evaluation of the reliability of manual toll collection system must be carried out in a comprehensive manner by presenting all aspects of the process are important from the point of view of the highway and the user operates the system. The research method adopted evaluation manual toll system and its components using the characteristics of reliability in the form of operational, the average time between subsequent damage, mean time to repair. In addition to the assessment capabilities of the system adopted in the payment of the corresponding number of vehicles per unit of time and the corresponding levels on the maximum waiting times for service and the maximum length of the queue of vehicles in the system.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz.
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport , Koszykowa 79, 02-008 Warsaw, Poland
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