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Introduction/background: The development of the small and medium enterprises sector is extremely important for economy from the point of view of many, very diverse criteria. Employment increase, market expansion, active involvement in internationalization processes and product portfolio expansion require many qualitative changes such as improvement of the management system, implementation of innovations, raising funds for investments, overcoming paradoxes and management shortcomings. Politics and public support instruments play an increasingly active role in those processes. Such public aid may include, for example, dedicated EU funds, support for business environment institutions as well as direct and indirect public influence exerted from the central, regional and district level. Aim of the paper: The purpose of this paper is to present an outline of the approach to contemporary entrepreneurship of small companies and the related development requirements which SMEs sector entities need to face as well as to draw out the research approach adopted by the author for evaluation of the public aid provided to entrepreneurs. Materials and methods: The research instruments have been independently developed by this paper’s author. They are the effect of pilot surveys held by the author with small and medium entrepreneurs and representatives of entrepreneurs’ self-government in which they indicated their feelings about and reflections on the opportunities for obtaining public support. The author has based his work also on the evaluation reports on the use of EU Structural Funds in the years 2007-2014. Results and conclusions: The system of research proposed by the author of the paper creates a space for becoming familiar with how entrepreneurs and administrators of aid funds evaluate potential changes which may result in corrections, as part of public support after 2020, that is during the period of the new perspective of financing with EU funds and during the greatest economic crisis after World War II caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 18 poz.
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