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Using 1D and 2D computer models when predicting hydrodynamic and morphological parameters of a boulder block ramp: Poniczanka stream, Carpathians

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When modelling flow and/or sediment transport in streams and rivers, one must frequently use the computer software of differing levels of complexity. The level of sophistication, accuracy, and quality of results are the parameters by which models can be classified as being 1D, 2D, or 3D; it seems certain that in the future, there will also be 4D and 5D models. However, the results obtained from very sophisticated models are frequently questionable, and designers in the field of hydraulic structures must have considerable experience distinguishing important information from irrelevant information. Thus, this paper aims to investigate the effect of the selected boulder block ramp hydraulic structure at Poniczanka stream on the bed-load transport. We evaluated sediment transport using the CCHE2D numerical model. We analysed several scenarios depending on the river bed type (erodible, non-erodible, rocky) and examined the rock blocks used for hydraulic structure construction. The obtained results were compared with the Hjulström and the Shields graph, which are a classic approach for identifying fluvial processes in river channels. In addition to these two methods, numerical modelling using the 1D HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System) modelling were conducted, which included the determination of horizontal and vertical changes to the river bed morphology of the examined section of river reach as well as providing the basic hydrodynamics parameters which, from the practical point of view, designers involved in the process of designing ramps could use.
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Bibliogr. 56 poz., fot., mapa, rys., tab., wykr.
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