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Two geophysical field works were conducted during a feasibility study in the Smaltjärnen tailing repository of the abandoned Yxsjöberg mine, located in south-central Sweden. The aim of these studies was to evaluate the applicability of the geophysical methods in tailing characterizations i.e. to (I) identify the approximate level of the underground water table, (II) understand the vertical and lateral distribution of the tailings and (III) image the variations within the internal stratigraphy of the tailings. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data with medium–low-frequency antennas (300, 250 and 100 MHz) and Self-Potential (SP) data using the Streaming Potential Phenomena (SPP) were collected to characterize the top few meters of the subsurface and understand the water flow direction. Results from the mineralogical and geochemical studies of the drill-core samples were incorporated in the study to complement the interpretations of the geophysical data. Three distinct layers had been earlier identified based on the interpretations of the geochemical data which agreed well with the GPR interpretations in this study: (I) oxidized tailing (new), (II), transition zone and (III) old tailing which is located under the water table. The SP data, unexpectedly, indicated that the groundwater flows from the lake i.e. lower altitudes, towards the higher altitudes which probably is related to the uncertainties resulted from 2D data while the actual water flow direction can be best studied in 3D, or, dominant effect from the metal contents. Complementary geophysical studies including a 2D-SP survey and Direct Current (DC) electrical resistivity measurements are suggested to improve the present understanding of the morphology of the site.
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Bibliogr. 37 poz.
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- Division of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden
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