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The use of one-component plasma in the ICP-RIE etching process of periodic structures for applications in photodetector arrays

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The paper presents the effect of ICP-RIE etching time using one-component plasma on various parameters of an InAs/GaSb type II superlattice matrix. In the studies, two samples used at different BCl3 gas flow rates were compared and it was found that using a lower flow rate of 7 sccm results in obtaining a smoother sidewall morphology. Next, five periodic mesa-shaped structures were etched under identical conditions, but using a different time. The results indicated that the ICP-RIE method using a BCl3 flow rate of 7 sccm, ICP:RIE power ratio of 300W:270W allowed the ICP:RIE formation of a periodic mesa-shaped structure with smooth and perpendicular sidewalls.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, 32/46 Lotników Avenue, 02-668, Warsaw, Poland
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta Street, 30-059, Kraków, Poland
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, 32/46 Lotników Avenue, 02-668, Warsaw, Poland
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, 32/46 Lotników Avenue, 02-668, Warsaw, Poland
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, 32/46 Lotników Avenue, 02-668, Warsaw, Poland
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, 32/46 Lotników Avenue, 02-668, Warsaw, Poland
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta Street, 30-059, Kraków, Poland
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The research was carried out as part of the “Implementation Doctorate” program of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, project No DWD/5/0479/2021, and partially funded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCRD) from projects POIR.04.01.04-00-0123/17-00 and TECHMATSTRATEG-III/0038/2019-00.
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