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Psychopedagogiczny wymiar ekofilozofii w świetle idei zrównoważonego rozwoju

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Psychopedagogical dimension of ecophilosophy in the light of sustainable development
Języki publikacji
Idea zrównoważonego rozwoju pozostaje w wielu aspektach aksjologicznym postulatem, który napotyka trudności w operacjonalizacji swych postulatów. Uwzględniając krytyczne uwagi dotyczące wątpliwość możliwości rzeczywistego wdrożenia idei zrównoważonego rozwoju [15] można stwierdzić, że rozwój myśli ekologicznej oraz ekofilozofii pozwala wcielać myślenie i działania proekologiczne w życie współczesnego człowieka. Zaprezentowane wspólne wątki ekofilozofii i pedagogiki pozwalają przyjąć tezę, że współdziałanie tych dziedzin może zaowocować urzeczywistnieniem tych postulatów idei zrównoważonego rozwoju, które my sami możemy a nawet powinniśmy realizować w codziennym życiu. Edukacja ekologiczna prowadzona w środowisku rodzinnym i szkolnym pozwoli przygotować kolejne pokolenia do większej dbałości o środowisko naturalne. Być może te oddolne działania realizowane dla nas tu i teraz, ale także dla tych którzy przyjdą po nas umożliwią pełniejszą realizację idei zrównoważonego rozwoju na poziomie globalnym. Ideałem, do którego należy dążyć, jest zapewnienie każdej jednostce możliwości kształcenia zgodnego z jej zdolnościami oraz wpajanie w procesie kształcenia wartości, bez których niemożliwy byłby zrównoważony rozwój. Warunkiem koniecznym do spełnienia tak sformułowanych zadań jest nieustanny monitoring jakości procesu kształcenia.
The idea of balanced development directly refers to those demands and actions, which in informal understanding are associated with ecology. In Poland, the concept of balanced development is often defined as a balance between three dimensions of human's life: the economical zone, social zone and natural environment. The issues involving the connection between humans and natural environment, as well as their meaning and interpretation in the context of philosophy have found their reflection in ecophilosophy, which is strictly tied to the idea of balanced development. Four basic scopes that are a foundation of this science can be distinguished: general philosophical issues, anthropological issues, axiological and educational issues. Nowadays the meaning and importance of the humanities is emphasized, because of their awareness shaping values and the possibilities to create stances and proper motivation in terms of ecological humanism. Pedagogical, psychological and sociological sciences are becoming more and more involved in the subject matter of balanced development. One of the theories involving human advancement that has earned its place in pedagogy and is of particular importance is the four-factor theory of development. The theory takes into consideration the simultaneous operation in the progress of developing of the four dynamisms: social educational processes called ETHOS; the pupil's natural development called BIOS; the pupil's educational advancement towards the model new human called AGO S; shaping the stances of pupils in the face of the future life called LOS. The developmental dynamisms and the structure of ecophilosophy have many common grounds in terms of interests, which are: natural environment - nature, health as values, awareness of one's possibilities resulting from the knowledge, and the action that is the true deed affecting the life of units and social groups. Informally, the environment is everything that surrounds people: air, water, dirt, animals, raw materials, fauna and flora. On the contrary, social environment consists of the people surrounding us and the relations in which we take part. What deals with the connection between humans and widely understood environment is ecology, which traces can be found even in antiquity. The quality of those relations is often interpreted as a category of health, which stands high in human hierarchy of values. Problems with health in terms of pedagogical sciences are a part of health pedagogy, which is a detailed pedagogical discipline that consists of health teaching theory and health education theory. Training in health and ecological education undoubtly contributes to the shaping of the ecological consciousness, which shows up in ecological knowledge, values and opinions on environment which is the place of living and development for humans. Shaping awareness and ecological stances in pedagogical dimension takes place in family environment, which is an initial stage before formal education institution which is the school. In family, very important for the creation of proper ecological attitudes are the authentic pro-ecological behaviors of parents. School has its detailed tasks in range of ecological education, which are a result of accepted international documents. Elements of ecological education in Polish school system can be found in every stage of education and in many subjects. The realization of common elements of ecophilosophy and pedagogy can bear fruit in terms of implementing the demand of the idea of balanced development.
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