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The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has developed a new cellular standard based packet switching allowing high data rate, 100 Mbps in Downlink and 50 Mbps in Uplink, and having the flexibility to be used in different bandwidths ranging from 1.4 MHz up to 20 MHz, this standard is termed LTE (Long Term Evolution). Radio Resource Management (RRM) procedure is one of the key design roles for improving LTE system performance, Packet scheduling is one of the RRM mechanisms and it is responsible for radio resources allocation, However, Scheduling algorithms are not defined in 3GPP specifications. Therefore, it gets a track interests for researchers. In this paper we proposed a new LTE scheduling algorithm and we compared its performances with other well known algorithms such as Proportional Fairness (PF), Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (MLWDF), and Exponential Proportional Fairness (EXPPF) in downlink direction. The simulation results shows that the proposed scheduler satisfies the quality of service (QoS) requirements of the real-time traffic in terms of packet loss ratio (PLR), average throughput and packet delay. This paper also discusses the key issues of scheduling algorithms to be considered in future traffic requirements.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys., wykr.
- LTTI Laboratory, USMBA University, Morocco, Fes
- LTTI Laboratory, USMBA University, Morocco, Fes
- National Institute of Post and Telecommunication, Morocco, Rabat
- LTTI Laboratory, USMBA University, Morocco, Fes
- LTTI Laboratory, USMBA University, Morocco, Fes
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