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High temperature versus geomechanical parameters of selected rocks – the present state of research

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This paper presents the current state of knowledge concerning the examination of the impact of increased temperatures on changes of geomechanical properties of rocks. Based on historical data, the shape of stress-strain characteristics that illustrate the process of the destruction of rock samples as a result of load impact under uniaxial compression in a testing machine, were discussed. The results from the studies on changes in the basic strength and elasticity parameters of rocks, such as the compressive strength and Young’s modulus were compared. On their basis, it was found that temperature has a significant effect on the change of geomechanical properties of rocks. The nature of these changes also depends on other factors (apart from temperature). They are, among others: the mineral composition of rock, the porosity and density. The research analysis showed that changes in the rock by heating it at various temperatures and then uniaxially loading it in a testing machine, are different for different rock types. Most of the important processes that cause changes in the values of the strength parameters of the examined rocks occured in the temperature range of 400 to 600C.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 19 poz.
  • Interdisciplinary PhD Studies in the Field of Clean Coal Technologies, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
  • Department of Rock Burst and Rock Mechanics, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
  • Department of Post-Industrial Sites and Waste Management, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
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