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Assesment of the quality of reporting information on CO2 emission rights on the example of energy sector groups listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

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Poland is a participant to the European Union Emissions Trading System, which aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Trading CO2 emission rights has become a strategic area from the point of view of managing entities that emit CO2. The aim of the paper is to investigate and identify discrepancies in the presentation and valuation of CO2 emission allowances, CO2 emission provision liabilities in reporting, and to assess the impact of these discrepancies on compliance with the true and fair view principle on top of the informative value of the financial statements. An in-depth qualitative analysis was used to examine disclosures of CO2 emission rights in the 2020 consolidated financial statements coming from the largest energy sector groups listed in the WIG Energy Index of the Warsaw Stock Exchange in light of the relevant legal acts and literature. As a result of the research conducted, it was confirmed that groups of companies carry out a range of CO2 emission rights balance classification and valuation. There were also significant discrepancies in the disclosure of information about the creation and valuation of provisions for liabilities due to CO2 emissions. The discrepancies observed in the audited entities’ balancesheet presentations and valuation of the acquired CO2 emission allowances and reserves resulting from IAS/IFRS in practice distorts the comparability of data presented in the financial statements. The research also revealed differences in scope of disclosed information, as well as its fragmentary nature. As a result, the comparison of data between groups in the energy sector in terms of their assets is impossible. Our study fills a research gap on the effects of using IFRS for the presentation and valuation of CO2 emission rights in the Polish energy sector and the impact of a differentiated approach to disclosures on the true and fair view conception in financial reporting.
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Bibliogr. 54 poz., tab.
  • University of Economics in Katowice 1 Maja 50, 40-287 Katowice, Poland
  • University of Economics in Katowice 1 Maja 50, 40-287 Katowice, Poland
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