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Determination of maximal errors of sinusoidal signal parameters caused by quantization
Języki publikacji
Często w celu wyznaczenia amplitudy i fazy pewnej harmonicznej sygnału próbkowanego przetwornikiem A/C korzysta się z DFT. Dokładność pomiaru wyznacza się numerycznie stosując metodę Monte-Carlo przy założeniu, że próbki nie są skorelowane między sobą. Założenie to jest błędne, gdy próbkuje się sygnał sinusoidalny. W artykule zostanie wyznaczony zbioru sygnałów sinusoidalnych, na podstawie którego można wyznaczyć amplitudę i fazę sygnału mono-harmonicznego próbkowanego. Przeprowadzono badania dokładności transformaty DFT.
Signals probed with finite resolution ADC's are affected by quantization errors. If we assume that value of each probe is uncorrelated with the value of each other probe then we may assess the accuracy of the first harmonic determined by DFT using Monte-Carlo method [1]. But if we probe a sinusoidal signal it is an incorrect assumption. In the paper we analyze the set of the sinusoidal signals that are inevitably connected with acquired single harmonic signal probes. In the Figure 1 we can see that the set of probes may be generated by a few different signals. We prove that set of signals that give the same set of the probes represents a non-fragmented surface on the amplitude and phase angle plane (Fig. 2). Secondly we determine the set of signals for the specified set of probes D3 acquired by the simulated ADC. We construct function F represented by equation (9) which consists of the function which block diagram is presented in the Fig. 3. This function F is discrete so statistical methods must be used to determine the set of signals (A, φ) which give the maximal value [2]. Final shape of the set is given on the Fig. 5. Some experiment was conducted to check the accuracy of the DFT algorithm. The Figure 6 represent values of amplitudes acquired by DFT (triangles), amplitudes from the computed sets (dots) against number of acquired probes of the 1 V sinusoidal signal. The error bars corresponds to the extreme amplitudes (Fig. 6) in the set. The results differ, because DFT computes parameters of the first harmonic of the probes which only approximately represents the input signal. This method with modifications may be applied to the multi-harmonic signals. Keywords: signal sampling, ADC, periodic signal, amplitude and phase angle, mathematical analysis, DFT.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 2 poz., rys., wykr.
- Uniwersytet Zielonogóski, Instytut Metrologii Elektrycznej, ul. Podgórna 50, 65-246 Zielona Góra
- [1] Bettaa G., Liguoria C., Pietrosanto A.: Propagation of uncertainty in a discrete Fourier transform algorithm, Measurement, Elsevier, 2000.
- [2] Dryja M., Jankowska J., Jankowski M.: Przegląd metod i algorytmów numerycznych, T. II, PWN, 1982.
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