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Implications of loss of stability of deformation sequences of reinforced concrete sections

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The paper analyses the strain of reinforced concrete sections of flexural and eccentrically compressed sections up to and including failure. Design/methodology/approach The paper shows that taking into account realistic σ-ε diagrams for concrete, which should be considered curves with descending branches, it is possible to determine the state of exhaustion of the load-bearing capacity of the section without the need to introduce the limiting strain εcu assigned only to the concrete class. Findings It was pointed out that the physical law σ-ε describing the behaviour of concrete should include the range of material weakening, expressed by the falling branch in the physical law. Research limitations/implications It was proposed to study the stability of the deformation process of the compressive zone of concrete and the entire critical section based on Drucker's postulate and, on such a basis, to infer the nature of reinforced concrete strain states - the state of exhaustion of load-bearing capacity incipient destruction. Practical implications The formulation of the bearing capacity problem is then complete because there is no need to introduce an apriori limit strain value εcu to determine the bearing capacity. Originality/value It is shown that it is furthermore possible to distinguish a certain covering condition, occurring after the load-bearing condition is reached, in which the process of rapid, avalanche-like destruction begins. The deformation accompanying the state can be considered as the failure deformation of the reinforced concrete section, ect.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz., rys.
  • Institute of Safety Engineering, Fire Academy, ul. Słowackiego 52/54, 01-629 Warszawa, Poland
  • Institute of Safety Engineering of Anthropogenic Objects, Construction Expertise Centre, ul. Obozowa 82A/19, 01-434 Warszawa, Poland
  • Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Commerce, ul. Jutrzenki 135, 00-231 Warszawa, Poland
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zielona Góra, ul. Prof. Z. Szafrana 4, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland
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