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The work presented is the result of the implementation of diffraction measurements: phase composition and stresses resulting from additive manufacturing process of nickel superalloy Inconel 718 components print. With the help of diffraction methodologies, the key parameters from the point of view of the quality of prints and their strength were determined. The existence of individual phases in the material after printing was demonstrated, and the surface variation of the stress values was presented, showing its dependence on the geometry of the printed part - measurements were made at various points on the surface of samples with different geometries. In addition, the variation of the stress level was shown depending on the distance of the measurement point from the build platform on which the additive manufacturing process was carried out. Components were printed on the surface of a single build plate in order to study the effect of printing differently oriented samples with respect to the platform geometry, as well as the mutual effect of the temperature of samples printed first on the stress state of elements printed in subsequent steps of the procedure, and the effect of the temperature of elements printed later on the rate of temperature decrease, and consequently on the stress state, of elements printed first.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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This work was financially supported by a grant from the Regional Operational Programme for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020, under the framework of project no. RPMA.01.02.00-14-B479/18 entitled Development and implementation of an innovative design service for turbojet engines using additive technology and advanced cooling methods.
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