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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to analyse the quality of the human – work system in the context of modern organisation management paradigms focused on theoretical aspects of sustainable growth in which flexibility gets the crucial condition to meet each company’s objectives specified by this growth. Design/methodology/approach: It is an opinion article, the attempt to interpret the correlation between the high quality of work environment indicated by the goals of Agenda 2030 and the organisation flexibility dimensions presented in literature which imply the growth in efficiency and effectiveness of work potential management. The study was developed on the basis of the regular and critical literature analysis. Findings: The considerations presented in the article indicate that the achievement of high efficiency and effectiveness level in organisation in the era of postglobalisation and Coronavirus is only possible when the high organisation flexibility is guaranteed, and the flexible initiation of innovative changes depends on optimising the management of work potential. The need of flexibile creativity in the company, being a reaction to the radical redefining the human functioning in an organisation, is required on all levels of each company functioning arising from the view that the general organisation flexibility is conditioned by partial flexibilities. Originality/value: The value of this paper is theoretical. The possibilities of obtaining various kinds of flexibility by a company were determined in the context of developing the human – work system and its influence on the total growth of organisation abilities. It was presented that the flexible organisation competences guaranteeing the proper organisation processes, condition the increase in flexibile skills in a positive way, which contributes to the more flexible activities adapted to the permenent and turbulent changes in the company external surroundings. This article is addressed to the people interested in the multiaspect problematics of the academic issue, the obtained results may be the inspiration to further research.
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