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Revision of the human’s occupations chronologies at the Senegalese and Mauritania sites by using marine reservoir ages corrections

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The prehistoric settlement of the west coast of the Senegalese-Mauritanian basin is established from archaeological remains and coal samples collected, sometimes in a stratigraphic context. However, the chronology issued, in the Before Present (BP) age, does not take into account the taphonomic context of the sites and the local reservoir age. Therefore, this article revisits the chronologies obtained based on the 14C literature and dating(s) acquired. Changes in time and duration of human occupancy of the area are shorter or longer depending on adequate yields of local reservoir age (Ndeye, 2008), which is a relevant element for marine samples. Thus, the archaeological implications observed with the reservoir effect are the rejuvenation or ageing of the dates, the age of the sites, the duration of occupation prehistoric or historical sites studied. Using the calibration programmes, it is noted that for the site of Senegal (Khant), without taking into account the reservoir effect, the human occupation is a priori, from the fifth millennium (Ancient Neolithic) to the third millennium BC (Middle Neolithic). However, if this marine reservoir effect is applied, the chronological periodisation goes from the fourth millennium to the first millennium. For the Mauritanian sites, the reservoir age correction is necessary for the Chami site while for the Tintan site is not required. Therefore, the calibrated archaeological chronologies obtained after the application of the marine reservoir effect are more relevant.
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Bibliogr. 32 poz., rys.
  • Laboratoire Carbone 14, IFAN Ch.A.Diop, Cheikh Anta Diop, University Dakar, Sénégal
  • Laboratoire d’Archéologie, IFAN Ch.A.Diop, Cheikh Anta Diop University Dakar, Sénégal
  • Département de physique, Faculté des Sciences et de Technologies, Cheikh Anta Diop University Dakar, Sénégal
  • Laboratoire d’Archéologie, IFAN Ch.A.Diop, Cheikh Anta Diop University Dakar, Sénégal
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