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Pozyskanie wód pitnych oraz cieczy i substancji balneologicznych w procesie uzdatniania schłodzonych wód termalnych : cele i założenia projektu

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Obtaining of drinking water and liquids and balneological substances in the treatment of cooled thermal waters – the aims and objectives of the project
Języki publikacji
During the last decade, an increase in global geothermal energy usage has been recorded. Technological development and the increased efficiency of the systems used as well as environmental and economic considerations have played a fundamental role in this process. Geothermal energy is used directly (for heating, leisure and balneological purposes, in agriculture and aquaculture where thermophilic species are bred, etc.) in 78 countries of the world. Key factors that determine the conditions in which geothermal waters are used, the amount of energy obtained and the manner in which cooled water is utilised include water salinity and the presence of specific ingredients. Elevated salinity levels and the presence of microelements such as boron, barium, strontium, fluorides, bromides and heavy metals may often lead to difficulties related to the utilisation of spent waters. The papers presents the aims and objectives of the new Project "Obtaining of drinking water and liquids and balneological substances in the treatment of cooled thermal waters and the results of previous research related to the use of desalination processes to treat spent geothermal water".
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 27 poz.
  • Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Wybickiego 7, 31-261 Kraków
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  • 23. TOMASZEWSKA B.& BODZEK M. 2013a - Desalination of geothermal waters using a hybrid UF-RO process. Part I: Boron. removal in pilot-scale tests. Desalination, 319: 99-106.
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  • 25. TOMASZEWSKA B.& BODZEK M. 2013c - The removal of radionuclides during desalination of geothermal waters containing boron using the BWRO system. Desalination, 309: 284-290.
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