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Exploring Hawaiian long-term insular geodiversity dynamics

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The role of time is underrepresented in assessments of geodiversity. Hot spot islands are unique systems to explore long-term geodiversity dynamics. The geodiversity dynamics of seven Hawaiian Islands are analysed by a qualitative-quantitative assessment using a geodiversity index. As input, freely available geological, soil and hydrological datasets are used, along with topographic diversity variables calculated from a digital elevation model. Long-term geodiversity dynamics were evaluated through correlation of island age to geodiversity class and assessment of the role of each contributing variable to the geodiversity class. The results indicate that high geodiversity is positively correlated with increasing island age, while younger islands generally correlate with low geodiversity classes. This is explained by the high contribution of topographic variables, and to a lesser extent by hydrological development and soil formation over time. These findings suggest that geodiversity dynamics play an important role in the life cycle of hot spot islands.
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