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Environmental and economic effects of water and deflation destruction of steppe soil in Ukraine

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Water and wind erosion are the most powerful factors in the decrease of soil fertility and a threat to food security. The study was conducted on the steppe zone in Ukraine (total area of 167.4 thous. km2), including agricultural land (131.6 thous. km2). At the first stage, the modeling of spatial differentiation of water and wind erosion manifestations was carried out to calculate losses of soil (Mg∙ha–1) and to determine their degradation. At the second stage, soil-climatic bonitet of zonal soils (points) is carried out to determine their natural fertility (Mg∙ha–1). At the third stage, the spatial adjustment of the natural soil fertility to the negative effect of erosion was carried out. This made it possible to calculate crop losses and total financial losses due to water and wind erosion. The integrated spatial modeling showed that about 68.7% of arable land was constantly affected by the combined erosion, in particular the area of low eroded arable land (16.8%), and medium and highly eroded land (22.1%). Due to erodibility of soil, about 23.3% of agricultural land transferred from the category of high and medium quality to medium, low and very low quality, which is caused by the loss of soil fertility of up to 70%, crop losses of up to 1.93 Mg∙ha–1 ha–1 and eduction of agricultural income up to 390 USD∙ha–1. In the steppe region under the research, gross crop losses from erosion were up to 15.11 thous. Mg∙ha–1 (3.05 mln USD). In order to protect soils, improve fertility and increase crop yields in the steppe zone in Ukraine, the following measures were suggested: adaptive and landscape erosion control design with elements of conservation farming in accordance with the spatial differentiation of soil quality and extent of water erosion deflation danger.
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Bibliogr. 50 poz., rys., tab.
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  • Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Faculty of Fisheries and Nature Management, Stritens'ka str. 23, Kherson, 73006, Ukraine
  • Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Faculty of Fisheries and Nature Management, Stritens'ka str. 23, Kherson, 73006, Ukraine
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2021).
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