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Troubleshooting Maintenance of Concentrated Photovoltaic System – A Case Study

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Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) is a photovoltaic technology that generates electricity from sunlight. Contrary to conventional photovoltaic systems, it uses lenses to focus the sunlight onto small, but highly efficient, multijunction solar cells. Two modules of CPV with a capacity of 6.4 kW (3.2 kW for each) were imported from AzurSpace Solar Power GMBH (Germany) and installed in Middle East University, Jordan, for testing purposes as a pilot project for this niche technology. It is worth mentioning that the installation of the units had been carried out by the faculty members. A range of technical obstacles were encountered in the process due to unclear instructions/steps from the manufacturer. A series of maintenance techniques and corrective measures were implemented in the system after one year of installation since the power output was unsatisfactory. Accordingly, the units were dismantled, and various procedures were conducted in order to ensure that the conditions of the system were on optimum level. In this paper, technical reviews and preventive setup were explained and presented.
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Bibliogr. 5 poz., rys.
  • Faculty of Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan
  • Faculty of Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2020).
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