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The vulnerability of soil by wind erosion using the wind erosion equation (WEQ) in geographic information systems (GIS) was demonstrated on the cadastral area of Přísnotice, southeast of the Czech Republic. Raster layers were created for input factors of WEQ and potential soil loss by wind was calculated using the Raster Calculator. Subsequently, map outputs showing the potential vulnerability of soil to wind erosion were made. In the first variant, where the protective effect of the barriers was not taken into account, the wind erosion intensity reached 47.6 t.ha-1.year-1. In the second variant, where the protective effect of the barrier was assumed, the loss of soil was lower, the maximum value was 4.7 t.ha-1.year-1. The soil loss limit was exceeded, even in a situation where a relatively high protective barrier effect has been proposed. The advantage of determining of wind erosion vulnerability using ArcGIS is that it is possible to identify particular parts of soil blocks from the map outputs, which are the most vulnerable. Similarly, it is possible to design a windbreak network and simulate its protective effect using ArcGIS.
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Bibliogr. 21 poz., rys., tab.
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