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Functional Limitations and Occupational Issues in Obesity: A Review

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Four hundred million adults are obese. Such a pandemic involves people of working age. Excess weight imposes abnormal mechanics on body movements, which could account for the high incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in these subjects. This article reviews the physiological and biomechanical causes of the reduced work capacity in obese workers and speculates on the relationships between occupational exposure and obesity. The reduction in work capacity appears to be due to the following factors: reduced spine flexibility, decay in endurance, limited range of movement of the major joints, reduced muscle strength and capacity to hold prolonged fixed postures, impaired respiratory capacity and visual control. Work capacity in morbidly obese workers should always be evaluated to match specific job demands. Due to the relationship between obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, disability and health costs, prevention of obesity and ergonomic interventions on-site are a priority in the work place.
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Bibliogr. 151 poz.
  • Rehabilitation Unit and Research Laboratory in Biomechanics and Rehabilitation, Istituto Auxoxlogico Italiano IRCCS, Verbania-Piancavallo, Italy
  • Psychology Research Laboratory, Istituto Auxoxlogico Italiano IRCCS, Verbania-Piancavallo, Italy
  • Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan, Italy
  • Rehabilitation Unit and Research Laboratory in Biomechanics and Rehabilitation, Istituto Auxoxlogico Italiano IRCCS, Verbania-Piancavallo, Italy
  • Rehabilitation Unit and Research Laboratory in Biomechanics and Rehabilitation, Istituto Auxoxlogico Italiano IRCCS, Verbania-Piancavallo, Italy
  • Psychology Research Laboratory, Istituto Auxoxlogico Italiano IRCCS, Verbania-Piancavallo, Italy
  • Neurorehabilitation Unit, Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri IRCCS, Pavia, Italy
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