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Comparative evaluation of performances of two versions of NCEP climate forecast system in predicting Indian summer monsoon rainfall

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The operational prediction of climatic variables in monthly-toseasonal scales has been issued by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) through Climate Forecast System model (CFSv1) since 2004. After incorporating significant changes, a new version of this model (CFSv2) was released in 2011. The present study is based on the comparative evaluation of performances of CFSv2 and CFSv1 for the southwest monsoon season (June-July-August-September, JJAS) over India with May initial condition during 1982-2009. It was observed that CFSv2 has improved over CFSv1 in simulating the observed monsoon rainfall climatology and inter annual variability. The movement of the cell of Walker circulation in years of excessive and deficient rainfall is better captured in CFSv2, as well. The observed teleconnection pattern between ISMR-sea surface temperature (SST) is also better captured in CFSv2. The overall results suggest that the changes incorporated in CFSv1 through the development of CFSv2 have resulted in an improved prediction of ISMR.21
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Bibliogr. 37 poz.
  • Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India;
  • Statistical-Research, Skymet Weather Services Pvt. Ltd., Noida, India
  • Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
  • Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
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