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Wpływ przygotowania próbek gruntów i metodyki oznaczania na zawartość części organicznych w gruncie

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Influence of soil specimen preparation and test methods on soil organic matter content
Języki publikacji
Soil organic matter content (SOM) is used e.g. in soil classification and erosion evaluation. How-ever, its value depends on soil specimen preparation and test method so it is useful to deal with these issues. Totally 150 specimens of soils CI, MS (from Bielsko-Biała, Poland) and different 3 soils, all classified as GC (from Ujsoły, Poland) were tested. To obtain values of SOM, the oxidation method using 30% hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2) and loss of weight on ignition method (LOI) at 800°C (LOI-800) according to Polish Standard PN-88/B-04481 and LOI at 440°C according to the ASTM D 2974-87 (LOI-440) were applied. The tests were carried out for parti-cles smaller than 0.5 mm. For every soil, 30 specimens (every with a mass about 10 g of dry soil) were prepared from 2400 g of dried soil for 3 methods, so for every method, 10 specimens, taken from various soil amount in frame of total 800 g were prepared. The results showed that values of SOM of tested soils varied from 0.33% to 6.09%. The largest relative difference in values of SOM, caused by soil specimen preparation, was 97.63% (H2O2, soil GC) and the smallest relative difference was 1.65% (LOI-800, soil CI). The largest relative difference in values of SOM, caused by test method was 1126.53% (LOI-800 and H2O2, soil GC) and the smallest relative difference was 15.17% (LOI-800 and H2O2, soil CI). The various values of SOM caused by dif-ferent test method differently classify soils from organic point of view by the ISO14688-2:2004.
Przeanalizowano wpływ przygotowania próbki gruntu i metody oznaczania na zawartość ma-terii organicznej (SOM). W sumie przebadano 150 próbek gruntów (przygotowanych z różnej ilości gruntu) z Bielska-Białej (CI, MS) oraz z Ujsół (GC). Aby uzyskać wartości SOM zastoso-wano metodę utleniania 30% roztworem nadtlenku wodoru (H2O2) oraz metodę straty masy przy prażeniu (LOI) w temperaturze 800°C (LOI-800) i 440°C (LOI-440). Badania przeprowa-dzono dla cząstek gruntu mniejszych niż 0,5 mm. Wartości SOM wahały się od 0,33 do 6,09%. Największa względna różnica wartości SOM spowodowana przygotowaniem próbek wyniosła 97,63% (H2O2, grunt GC), a najmniejsza 1,65% (LOI-800, grunt CI). Największa względna róż-nica wartości SOM spowodowana metodą badania wyniosła 1126,53% (LOI-800 i H2O2, grunt GC), a najmniejsza 15,17% (LOI-800 i H2O2, grunt CI). Uzyskiwane różne wartości SOM mogą skutkować odmiennym klasyfikowaniem gruntu pod kątem organicznym.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 10 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
  • University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Civil Engineering, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
  • University of Žilina, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
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