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Late-Glacial cladoceran succession in three lakes of the Chełm Hills Region (Łęczna-Włodawa Lake Group, SE Poland)

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High resotution studtes on subfossil Cladocera from three closely located lakes of the Chełm Hills Region - Lake Słone, Syczyńskie, and Pniówno, evidenced a strong zooplankton response to the well-known climatic changes of the Late-Glacial and early-Holocene. The general changes in the cladoceran community structure resemble those described from other Polish and European lakes. Certain important differences were identified, however, which can be attributed to the peculiarity of the environmental conditions of the region, regarding: the deep character of the lakes studied already in the initial phase of their development (Older Dryas), an intensive eutrophication process induced by the Allerӧd climate warming with a periodical lowering of the trophic status, and the character of the Younger Dryas coollng less severe than in some other regions. The chronology of the palaeoenvironmental changes identified by means of subfossil Cladocera analysis was based on the results of palaeobotanical analysis, and confirmed by radiocarbon dating available for two profiles. Taking advantage of the close location of the study sites, their morphometric and geological similarities, and the high resolution of sampling, an attempt was made to use cladoceran succession in order to establish the stratigraphic division for Lake Pniówno, lacking palynological and radiocarbon data.
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Bibliogr. 62 poz., rys
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