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Climate-neutral waste management in The Russian Federation: New approach to sludge treatment on drying beds under climate change

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Identification and ecological diagnostics of the influence of basic load parameters (the cumulative effect of air temperature, the amount of precipitation) is a fundamental aspect of the wastewater sludge treatment at drying beds. The positive dynamics of atmospheric precipitation and the long-term functioning of natural and technical systems for wastewater sludge treatment under the influence of excessive atmospheric moisture does not allow the treatment/drying of precipitation, which provokes soil pollution with subsequent diffusion of pollutants into groundwater, which leads to the degradation of the natural environment components interacting with drying beds. The article is devoted to the adaptation of the process of treatment/drying of wastewater sludge at drying beds. The method includes identification of the dynamics of climatic factors of a long-term chronological series, which makes it possible to predict the effect of atmospheric precipitation on the wastewater sludge drying. The costs for the implementation and subsequent use of the proposed method are absent or insignificant (in the conditions of an increase in usable area during the modernisation of existing drying beds) in comparison with the costs of well-known and widespread methods of deliquefaction.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys., wykr.
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