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Artificial intelligence for supervised classification purposes: Case of the surface water quality in the Moulouya River, Morocco

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From a management perspective, water quality is determined by the desired end use. Water intended for leisure, drinking water, and the habitat of aquatic organisms requires higher levels of purity. In contrast, the quality standards of water used for hydraulic energy production are much less important. The main objective of this work is focused on the development of an evaluation system dealing with supervised classification of the physicochemical quality of the water surface in the Moulouya River through the use of artificial intelligence. A graphical interface under Matlab 2015 is presented. The latter makes it possible to create a classification model based on artificial neural networks of the multilayer perceptron type (ANN-MLP). Several configurations were tested during this study. The configuration [9 8 3] retained gives a coefficient of determination close to the unit with a minimum error value during the test phase. This study highlights the capacity of the classification model based on artificial neural networks of the multilayer perceptron type (ANN-MLP) proposed for the supervised classification of the different water quality classes, determined by the calculation of the system for assessing the quality of surface water (SEQ-water) at the level of the Moulouya River catchment area, with an overall classification rate equal to 98.5% and a classification rate during the test phase equal to 100%.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., rys., tab.
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  • Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences, Water Sciences and Environmental Engineering team, Meknes, Morocco
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  • Moulay Ismail University, National School of Arts and Crafts, Laboratory of Mechanics, Mechatronics, and Command, Team of Electrical Energy, Maintenance and Innovation, Meknes, Marjane 2, BP: 298 Meknes 50050, Morocco
  • Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
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