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The impact of the modernisation of the drainage system on the water retention in ditches

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The paper presents a study on the retention ditch system characterised by varying hydraulic and geometric parameters, especially longitudinal slopes as well as dimensions and cross-sectional profiles. During the pre-modernisation inventory of the site, only one concrete structure was found on the R-E ditch, with fixed, circular outlet openings. The existing weir height provided a dead retention capacity of 2% geometric capacity of all ditches in the system, and a usable capacity of 23%. It allowed to use only 25% of the full geometric capacity, without water level control. As part of the modernisation, the existing concrete structure was removed, and replaced by seven new damming structures, including three structures on the R-E and R-E1 ditches and one on the R-E4 ditch. These were four plastic structure weirs with movable closures that allowed to regulate the water level, two permanent crest weirs and a disc regulator built into the culvert pipe. These changes reduced the dead storage volume to 1%, and increased the usable storage to 41% of the geometric storage of all ditches in the system. This ensured 42% utilisation of the geometric capacity. The increased water damming in indicated places, it was possible to use the geometric capacity of the ditches up to 65%.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz., fot., mapa, rys., tab., wykr.
  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska St, 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska St, 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska St, 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska St, 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska St, 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
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