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A comparative quality optimisation between ring spun and slub yarns by using desirability function

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The present study was conducted to develop a credible approach to determine the quality of ring spun and slub yarns by virtue of criteria incorporating combinations of the fundamental fiber characteristics. Critical yarn parameters are to be investigated. The values of these tested properties were introduced into a database that ranked the quality of the yarn against industry standards. The paper investigates the possibilities of using the global optimization superimposed diagram response surface methodology in order to identify the spinner feasibility conditions across the customer yarn quality requirements. The spinner approach consists of optimizing the yarn count and twist. We have also studied the customer approach to optimize the yarn responses simultaneously by the use of the desirability functions. The response optimizer searches for a combination of input variables that jointly optimize the set of the responses by satisfying the customer requirements for each response in the set.
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Bibliogr. 9 poz.
  • Textile Research Unit of ISET of Ksar-Hellal, B.P 68, Avenue Hadj Ali SOUA, Ksar Hellal, Tunisia 5070
  • Textile Research Unit of ISET of Ksar-Hellal, B.P 68, Avenue Hadj Ali SOUA, Ksar Hellal, Tunisia 5070
  • Textile Research Unit of ISET of Ksar-Hellal, B.P 68, Avenue Hadj Ali SOUA, Ksar Hellal, Tunisia 5070
  • Textile Research Unit of ISET of Ksar-Hellal, B.P 68, Avenue Hadj Ali SOUA, Ksar Hellal, Tunisia 5070
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