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Teacher job burnout and psychosocial working conditions in school

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Purpose: The aim is to investigate the relationship between teacher burnout and psychosocial working conditions using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Design/methodology/approach: The research process consisted of the following stages: literature analysis, research gap identification, formulation of research questions and hypotheses, selection of the sample and research tools, data collection and analysis, formulation of conclusions, indication of research limitations and directions for future research. The research hypothesis was formulated as follows: H: Teacher burnout is related to psychosocial working conditions in school. The survey research was conducted in 2023 among 128 Polish teachers. In the study it was used the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI). Psychosocial working conditions were surveyed using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Findings: The analysis of the relationships between job burnout-disengagement (JB-D) and psychosocial working conditions found a strong negative correlation for three subscales: ‘Meaning of work’, ‘Possibilities for development’, ‘Quality of leadership’. A moderate negative correlation was observed for the ‘Job satisfaction; and ‘Social support’ subscales. A strong positive correlation of JB-D with ‘Quantitative demands’ was also found. By examining the relationships of job burnout-exhaustion (JB-E) with individual aspects of psychosocial working conditions, most correlations were negative (with the exception of ‘Quantitative demands’). The two identified correlations were strong. As with the JB-D variable, ‘Meaning of work’ and ‘Possibilities for development’ were significant while ‘Quality of leadership’, ‘Influence at work’ and ‘Social support’ were less pronounced (a moderate correlation with JB-E was found). A strong positive correlation was observed between JB-E and ‘Quantitative demands’. Research limitations: The studies were of quantitative rather than qualitative nature and resulted from teachers’ self-reporting. The selection of the sample was non-random, which means the findings cannot be generalized. The study was also not longitudinal and the data was lagging, which does not permit strong causal inferences. The use of the survey method might lead to common method bias. Practical implications: The knowledge derived from the research can be useful to school managers in ensuring a work environment for teachers that prevents job burnout and therefore favors increased work performance. Social implications: The results offer insight into the relationship between the working environment and teacher job burnout. It can provide school managers with a framework for adopting socially responsible measures focused on the well-being of employees. Originality/value: There were previously no research studies involving Polish teachers that would identify the COPSOQ-measured relationships of job burnout with psychosocial working conditions against the following variables: ‘Quantitative demands’, ‘Influence at work’, ‘Meaning of work’, ‘Social support’, ‘Job satisfaction’, ‘Possibilities for development’, ‘Quality of leadership’, ‘General health’.
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