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Since many years, in the Gulf of Gdańsk various transformations proceeding under the influence of trophic and pollution-induced factors are observed. Changes of especially negative character were found in the biocenosis of the Puck Bay, in which many plant and animal sets became degraded or even devastated. Besides, at present the public feels endangered by bacterial pollution of the coastal zone and increasingly intensive phytoplankton blooming. This limits the possibilities of using these water areas for the needs of tourism and recreation. It was decided that comprehensive activities should be started, both on land and in the Bay itself, in order to limitlremediate the effects of eutrophication of this water area. In 1994 and 1995 monitoring and experimental investigations were carried out. In effect a system for protecting and restoring the biocenosis was developed, and the main assumptions for this system are presented in this paper.
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Bibliogr. 53 poz., rys., tab.
- Marine Biology Centre in Gdynia, Poland
- Department of Maritime Hydrotechnics Maritime Institute, Gdańsk, Poland
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