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Marital dialogue as a constructive response to dissatisfaction in marriage and its predictors

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A lot of research in marriage psychology has been focused on marital conflicts, constructive versus destructive responses to dissatisfaction in marriage, and especially on how couples behave when discussing conflictual issues. Based on the literature review, we assume that partner support and bonding behaviours are positively related to dialogue as an active and constructive problem solving strategy during marital conflicts. We also put forward a hypothesis that there is a difference in predictors of dialogue between women and men in marital conflicts. In the present study, two main questions were posed: (1) do bonding behaviours (conciliatory behaviours, behaviours undertaken for the sake of the relationship and the partner, and physical closeness) and partner support constitute statistically significant predictors of engaging in dialogue as a constructive response to marital conflict? And (2) are there any differences between women and men as far as these predictors are concerned? A total of 180 young, married people participated in the study (102 wives and 79 husbands), all of whom had been married for 5 years or less. The mean age of the participants was 26 years (M = 26,26; SD = 3,04), while mean marriage duration was approximately 2 years. The obtained results indicate that significant predictors of engaging in marital dialogue amongst young couples are the bonding behaviours undertaken for the sake of the relationship and the partner, as well as the physical closeness and certain types of partner support. Moreover, essential differences between women and men have been revealed.
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Bibliogr. 45 poz.
  • University of Silesia, Institute of Psychology, Katowice
  • University of Silesia, Institute of Psychology, Katowice
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