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Diversity of floristic composition of midfield baulks under different farming systems implemented on the outskirts of the Białowieża Forest

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A study was conducted on changes in the abundance and diversity of floristic composition in baulks and cultivated agrocenoses in the area of the village of Nowokornino, located on the outskirts of the Białowieża Forest. Within the geodesic area of the village, which covers approximately 1,100 ha, agricultural crops are grown under three farming systems: conventional farming, integrated farming and organic farming. In the study area, there are unique marginal ecosystems in the form of mid-field baulks on which various weed species of ecological importance occur. Three study plots were designated on the baulks, and three plots on field crops Floristic surveys were carried out in 2016, 2020 and 2022. The cover of individual species was estimated according to the 7-level Braun-Blanquette scale. A total of 91 plant species belonging to 6 phytosociological groups were found, with the Stellarietea mediae group having the highest species richness. The significance of differences in floristic richness between study and control plots was tested by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Statistical analysis showed that the factors differentiating the floristic composition on the baulks were their location within the cultivated agrocenoses, natural soil abundance and interaction with fertiliser factors. The highest species abundance of plants defined as weeds, occurred in fields under the integrated farming system (58 species), the lowest in fields under the conventional system (39 species). The vegetation of the baulks and adjacent arable fields was dominated by plants representing mainly three types of ecological strategies: C, R and C-R.
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Bibliogr. 39 poz., fot., rys., tab., wykr.
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