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It is theoretically considered one of the simplest particular cases of a variational problem of control in an active aviation system acting in conditions of multi-alternativeness and conflicts. With the help of the Euler-Lagrange equations it is obtained the canonical distributions of the subjective preferences for the given functional; differential equation of the second order for finding extremals of the controlled functions of the functional The differential equation satisfies the conditions of existence and unique solution. Mathematical modeling is fulfilled with the help of the hybrid pseudo-entropy function. Plotted corresponding diagrams.
Słowa kluczowe
active system
active element
aviation transportation
safety in aviation
human factor
subjective preferences functions
subjective entropy
hybrid model of combined pseudo-entropy function of subjective preferences
preferences prevailing/dominating factor/index
variational principle
core of conflict
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys., wzory
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