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Purpose: The study aimed to determine whether family businesses in Poland are as involved in international activity as non-family businesses. Moreover, the intention was to identify differences in the forms of foreign expansion employed by family and non-family firms. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives were pursued based on primary research conducted in 188 family firms and 223 non-family firms operating on the Polish market. Findings: The analysis of the results indicates that family firms conduct business activity outside the domestic market significantly less frequently than non-family firms. The most common form of internationalization chosen by Polish family firms is export and import. Generally, these firms are not interested in joint ventures with foreign partners. Compared to non-family firms, Polish family firms establish divisions abroad significantly less frequently. However, they engage in non-equity cooperation more often than non-family firms. Practical implications: Knowledge about the involvement of family and non-family firms in international activity and their preferred forms of internationalization can be used by business environment institutions. Originality/value: The study results enrich the knowledge on the activity of Polish family firms on foreign markets as compared to similar activity of non-family businesses.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz.
- University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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