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A two-factor field experiment was carried out in 2018–2020 at the Zawady Agricultural Experimental Station (52°03’ N and 22°33’ E) belonging to the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce in Poland. Tubers of two edible potato cultivars were investigated, i.e. Oberon and Malaga – factor one; in turn, factor two included variants of herbicide application with biostimulators: 1. control object – without preparations, 2. herbicide clomazone + metribuzin (Avatar 293 ZC), 3. herbicide clomazone + metribuzin and biostimulant PlonoStart, 4. herbicide clomazone + metribuzin and biostimulant Aminoplant, 5. herbicide clomazone + metribuzin and biostimulant Agro-Sorb® Folium. The biostimulators used in the research significantly increased the content of total nitrogen and protein nitrogen in tubers, as well as the share of protein nitrogen in total nitrogen in relation to the tubers collected from the control object. The genetic features of the cultivars also determined the concentration of total nitrogen and protein nitrogen in potato tubers.
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Bibliogr. 56 poz., tab.
- Department of Dieteties, John Paul II University of Applied Sciences, ul. Sidorska 95/97, 21-500 Biala Podlaska, Poland
- Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, ul. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
- Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, ul. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
- Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, ul. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
- Department of Agriculture, Vocational State School of Ignacy Mościcki in Ciechanów, ul. Narutowicza 9, 06-400 Ciechanów, Poland
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