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Construction Disaster Hazard Caused by a Defective Building Structural Survey

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The present paper encompasses an analysis of a production hall reinforced concrete roof structure in terms of its limiting snow load. Errors which were made at the survey and thermal retrofitting design stages for the structure in question have been identified. These contributed to a construction disaster hazard which could occur in the event of intensive snowfall. Reinforced concrete roofing structures are least prone to failures caused by the impact of the weather, however they do occur. This results from both structural wear and also often from the addition of extra loads. These loads may be caused by thermal retrofitting as well as installation of additional equipment on the roof, including the currently popular photovoltaic systems. Using the structure subject to the analysis as an example, the authors have proposed a procedure for diagnosing and analysing reinforced concrete roofing structures in terms of upgrades and installation of additional equipment thereon.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 21 poz., fot., rys., tab.
  • Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Warsaw, Poland
  • Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Warsaw, Poland
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