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Flood prevention has become one of the most important priorities of public safety and risk mitigation in Poland. The study presents an evaluation of the actions implemented in 16 voivodships of Poland in the field of flood prevention and water retention. Voivodships correspond to individual regions of the country. The analysis covering the period of 2003-2018 was carried out on the basis of data obtained mainly from Local Data Bank. A set of indicators, divided into infrastructural and economic ones were applied. The assessment of technical measures covered two basic types of hydro engineering facilities: flood embankments and retention reservoirs. The economic indicators illustrate the expenditures incurred on the implementation of technical means of flood prevention. The obtained results provide means to categorise the voivodships into subsets. Units similar in terms of the carried out water management were assigned to 4 types. Voividships similar in terms of the expenditures designated to the implementation of water management tasks were divided into 4 groups. Taking into account the dynamics of the investments and financial outlays on water management measures related to the existing flood risk assessment, the situation is satisfactory in 4 voivodships, but insufficient or unsatisfactory in 7 of them. The obtained results show that in order to achieve the flood prevention levels required in the studied regions additional actions are necessary, including but not limited to technical measures.
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Bibliogr. 26 poz., rys., tab.
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