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Social significance of green areas and preferences toward greenery
Języki publikacji
Co takiego jest w zieleni, że tak istotnie wpływa na poczucie zadowolenia z życia? Otóż tereny zieleni to nic innego jak środowisko, w którym dochodzi do tzw. efektu regeneracyjnego, jakiemu ulega zestresowany, przemęczony organizm człowieka.
What is in nature that it affects people swellbeing so essentially? Green areas are an environment where a stressed human body experiences a so called regeneration effect. Living within green neighborhoods brings enormous benefits to psychological health. People who have access to green areas present a high level of life satisfaction and little psychological disorders. What is important, the benefits appear separately from other factors that could negatively affect the way people perceive their condition, such as: income decrease, job loss or health troubles.
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