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Properties of stainless steel based on ferritic steel X6Cr13 made by powder metallurgy

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Purpose: of this paper is to define influence of different concentration of reinforcement in form of X2CrNiMo25-7-4 steel powder on the properties of sintered ferritic stainless steel X6Cr13. Design/methodology/approach: In presented study, material for investigation was manufactured by powder metallurgy from ferritic powders with appropriate contribution of austenitic-ferritic stainless steels powders. Prepared mixes have been pressed by cold isostatic pressing (CIP) at 350 MPa and sintered in vacuum furnace at 1250°C for 1 h. Obtained samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis and confocal microscopy for depth of the wear traces observation. Properties like porosity, density, wear resistance, macro- and microhardness were evaluated. Findings: Researches show that addition of 5-15% powder duplex stainless steel caused the significant increase in hardness and microhardness of X6Cr13 steel. Small amount of reinforcement powder improved the value of wear resistance of base material. Research limitations/implications: Contribute to study the properties of materials with the base of ferritic stainless steel reinforced by X2CrNiMo25-7-4 particles using powder metalurgy. The next step for research will be to examine tensile properties and corrosion resistance which is a fundamental property required for the described steels. Practical implications: Development of a new type of materials applicable in the industry which are characterized by a higher wear resistance and good mechanical properties. Originality/value: The obtain results show the possibility of creation the newest materials base on X6Cr13 steels with better properties caused by proper volume fraction of reinforcement.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz.
  • Division of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Computer Techniques in Materials Science, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Division of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Computer Techniques in Materials Science, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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  • [1] Z. Brytan, M.A. Grande, M. Rosso, R. Bidulský, L.A. Dobrzański, Stainless steels sintered form the mixture of prealloyed stainless steel and alloying element powders, Materials Science Forum 672 (2011) 165-170.
  • [2] J.C. Betts, The direct laser deposition of AISI316 stainless steel and Cr3C2 powder, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (2009) 5229-5238.
  • [3] Z. Brytan, L.A. Dobrzański, W. Pakieła, Sintered stainless steel surface alloyed with Si3N4 powder, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 50/1 (2011) 43-55.
  • [4] D. Zhang, X. Zhang, Laser cladding of stainless steel with Ni-Cr3C2 and Ni-WC for improving erosive-corrosive wear performance, Surface and Coatings Technology 190 (2005) 212-217.
  • [5] Z. Brytan, M. Bonek, L.A. Dobrzański, W. Pakieła, Surface layer properties of sintered ferritic stainless steel remelted and alloyed with FeNi and Ni by HPDL laser, Advanced Materials Research 291-294 (2011) 1425-1428.
  • [6] M. Rosso, M. Actis Grande, D. Ornato, About sintering of duplex stainless steels and their properties, Proceedings of the 10th Jubilee International Scientific Conference „Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” AMME’2001,Gliwice-Cracow-Zakopane, 2001, 499-504.
  • [7] L.A. Dobrzański, Z. Brytan, M. Actis Grande, M. Rosso, E.J. Pallavicini, Properties of vacuum sintered duplex stainless steels, Proceedings of the 13th International Science Conference on "Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering” Gliwice-Wisła, 2005, 117-120.
  • [8] B. Vetavanugul, N. Tosangthum, R. Krataitong, M. Morakotjinda, A. Daraphan, T. Yotkaew, O. Coovattanachai, R. Tongsri, Effect of a new phase on mechanical properties of PM stainless steel prepared from 304L and 410L powders, Proceedings of the 4th Thailand Materials Science and Technology Conference, Pathum Thani, 2006.
  • [9] L.A. Dobrzański, M. Kałużna, J.M. Torralba, Sigma phase precipitation in stainless steel, Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Conference on „Contemporary Achievements in Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials Science” CAM3S'2011, Gliwice, 2011, 32 (in Polish).
  • [10] L.A. Dobrzański, M. Kałużna, J.M. Torralba, Precipitations of the phase in the structure of ferritic-austenitic stainless steel X2CrNiMoN25-7-4, Proceedings of the 18th International Scientific Conference on „Contemporary Achievements in Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials Science” CAM3S'2012, Gliwice-Ustroń, 2012, 33 (in Polish).
  • [11] Z. Brytan, L.A. Dobrzański, W. Pakieła, Laser surface alloying of sintered stainless steels with SiC powder, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 47/1 (2011) 42-56.
  • [12] E. Klar, P.K. Samal, Powder metallurgy stainless steels: processing, microstructures, and properties, ASM International, 2007.
  • [13] L.A. Dobrzański, G. Matula, Powder metallurgy fundamentals and sintered materials, Open Access Library, Volume 8 (14) (2012) 1-156 (in Polish).
  • [14] S. Stolarz, Powder metallurgy, Ores and Non-Ferrous Metals 50/9 (2006) 500-501 (in Polish).
  • [15] E. Klar, P.K. Samal, Powder metallurgy stainless steels: processing, microstructures, and properties, ASM International, Materials Park, 2007.
  • [16] J. Kazior, T. Pieczonka, M. Nykiel, Selected properties of sintered ferritic stainless steels, Ores And Non-Ferrous Metals 45/12 (2000) 623-629.
  • [17] Austral Wright Metals, Product data sheet Grades 410, 410L, 410S,, 2002.
  • [18] I. Alvarez-Armas, Duplex stainless steels: brief history and some recent alloys, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 1 (2008) 51-57.
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