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There have been many studies on digital transformation in recent times, but these studies focused on clarifying the concept, content, and implementation of digital transformation. There have not been many studies on the attitudes and intentions of enterprises to digital transformation (DT). This paper proposes factors affecting DT intention including perceived usefulness, trust, innovation, perceived risk to investigate attitudes about DT and examines the impaction of attitude and subject norms factors on the digital transformation intention of enterprises. A questionnaire designed and sent to 337 Vietnamese enterprises in different fields of activity. This study uses Structural Equation Model (SEM). The perceived usefulness, Innovation factors effect to the attitude possitively leading to the Intention of DT of enterprises, whereas the perception of pisk has a negative impact. Attitudes towards digital transformation and Subjective Norms have a positive impact on digital transformation intention. This paper helps Vietnamese government authorities to have a basis to promote and support Vietnamese enterprises in digital transformation.
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Bibliogr. 43 poz., il., tab.
- Hanoi University of Industry Hanoi, Vietnam
- Hanoi University of Industry Hanoi, Vietnam
- Thuongmai University Hanoi, Vietnam
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1. Preface
2. Session: International Conference on Research in Management and Technovation
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