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Development and chronology of the Late Jurassic shallow-water carbonate deposits of the Holy Cross Mountains area, central Poland

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The Late Jurassic shallow-water carbonates with intervening clayey-marly deeper-water deposits in the Holy Cross Mts. area formed over large bank of the elevated part of the Northern Tethyan Shelf during about 12 myr. They comprise three main successions (I, II and III) deposited partly in different environmental conditions, controlled by tectonic and climatic factors, and still preserved in the  north-eastern margin, the north-western margin and the south-western margin of the Holy Cross Mountains. The history of sedimentation is presented according to the concept of the large tectono-stratigraphic units COK, LUK and KVB, which owe their origin to variable rates of tectonic subsidence, as introduced by Kutek (1994) for the area of central Poland. The studied deposits of the COK megasequence cor- responding to the Upper Oxfordian and the Lower Kimmeridgian up to the Hypselocyclum Zone consist of coral limestones, various grained (including oolitic) limestones, and micritic limestones formed over the gradually enlarging shallow-water carbonate platform of the Holy Cross Mts. This platform was subsequently subdivided into two elevated areas, separated by a depressed zone in the middle, bounded by the Nowe Miasto–Iłża–Bałtów Fault Zone in the north-east and the Holy Cross Fault System in the south. The younger mega- sequence LUK with it strongly transgressive character marks the successive stages of the marine transgression which entered the central, lowered part of the area of the Holy Cross Mts. from the west, where it appeared already in the early Hypselocyclum Chron. It succes- sively spread across the Holy Cross Mts. area towards the north-east and south bringing everywhere the deposition of various oyster lu- machelles and marls with ammonites at the end of the Hypselocyclum Chron and during the Divisum Chron of the Early Kimmeridgian to the Acanthicum/Mutabilis Chron of the earliest Late Kimmeridgian. The following megasequence KVB is represented by the detrital lu- machelles and chalky limestones with nereineids of the Eudoxus Chron of the Late Kimmeridgian marking the development of still younger shallow-water carbonate platform in the uplifted areas in the north-eastern and possibly the south-western margins of the moun- tains, allegedly subdivided by a deeper area of sedimentation of marly deposits. The youngest Late Jurassic deposits of the Holy Cross Mts., are very fragmentarily preserved, mostly because of Early Cretaceous uplift and erosion. They suggest an initial episode of complete drowning of the carbonate platform which became covered by marly deposits during the Early Tithonian, and the subsequent restoration of shallow-water carbonate sedimentation at the end of the Early Tithonian.
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Bibliogr. 134 poz.
  • University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
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