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The optimization of trucks fleet schedule in view of their interaction and restrictions of the European agreement of work of crews

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The importance of compliance with the schedule of work of road trains on the highway transport network of the European Union is shown. The possible options for work and rest modes for truck drivers on international routes have been analyzed. A model for optimizing the truck fleet operation plan has been developed. This model has two levels, that is, the general graph contains subgraphs designed with incompatible vertices to determine the active and shortest schedule. Each of the subgraphs reflects alternative routes and schedules of a truck. The model also includes restrictions on the total cycle time and active period duration of available unloading points. To find the shortest schedule, integer programming with a guaranteed optimal solution was applied. Testing of the proposed algorithm was performed for the example of serving orders for international freight transportation between the cities of Ukraine, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The active schedule is based on the criterion of the minimum of the total duration of drivers’ work. The results obtained are valid, consistent with the rules of the European Agreement. They indicate that the choice of the best schedule for a single car on a unitary route is not the best solution for the entire truck fleet and the entire flow of orders.
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Bibliogr. 22 poz.
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  • L’viv National Agrarian University, 1, Volodymyr Velykij Str., Dublyany, L’viv Region, 30831, Ukraine
  • L’viv National Agrarian University, 1, Volodymyr Velykij Str., Dublyany, L’viv Region, 30831, Ukraine
  • L’viv National Agrarian University, 1, Volodymyr Velykij Str., Dublyany, L’viv Region, 30831, Ukraine
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