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Industrial reception spaces (IRSs) are receptacles for a large part of the national socioeconomic activity in Morocco. They contribute substantially to sustaining economic growth and national dynamics of industrialization. These areas are increasingly faced with several constraints, notably deficient infrastructure, competitiveness, and compliance with the new environmental legislation. These constraints stem from the proven and potential impacts of CC on both individual industrial units and the IRS as a common space. There is an urgent need to make these spaces environment-friendly and more resilient to current and future climate risks through appropriate methodological approaches, leading to effective climate risk management and implementation of proactive CC adaptation strategies. This was the context in which this study was conducted. As a case study, the industrial area (IA) of Aït Melloul, located near the city of Agadir in Morocco, was based on a participatory approach of climate risk assessment involving a task force representing the main socio-economic and state operators concerned by this IA. This was accomplished by analyzing the risks and vulnerabilities of the IRS and the agri-food units within it. The analysis provides key elements for a future strategy for business sector resilience and energy transition. The new project to requalify Ait Melloul IA would provide an opportunity to incorporate these elements as well as to capitalize on lessons learned from programs at the local level, particularly about energy efficiency and building the adaptive capacity of businesses.
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Bibliogr. 77 poz., rys., tab.
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