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The paper presents advantages and disadvantages of metal foils insertion between composite layers. Composites are complex materials of aniso-tropic structure leading to various failure mechanisms. Mechanism of compressive load transfer into composite laminates by shear of the matrix is analysed. The method of improvement compressive strength of laminates is presented according to literature and analysed for a sele-cted case. Simplified models of a laminate structure modified using various metal foils configurations are analysed with MSC.Marc code. Axial stress in prepreg layers and shear stress in adhesive layers are studied.
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Bibliogr. 16 poz., fig.
- Military University of Technology, Department of Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science, ul. Gen. Sylvester Kaliski 2, 00-908 Warsaw 49, 22 683 90 39
- Military University of Technology, Department of Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science, ul. Gen. Sylvester Kaliski 2, 00-908 Warsaw 49, 22 683 90 39
- Military University of Technology, Department of Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science, ul. Gen. Sylvester Kaliski 2, 00-908 Warsaw 49, 22 683 90 39
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