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Ecological Engineering – a View on Tasks and Challenges

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The following elaboration presents a view on the tasks and challenges which should be faced by ecological engineering in the near future. The study also emphasizes the need to disseminate the concept of retarding the pace of transformation of ecosystems and natural resources as well as proper understanding and urgent implementation of strategically correct provisions from the existing legal acts. It also refers to the need to look for the effective methods of disseminating the activities for the protection of ecosystems, in which accepting the concept of “violence on the environment” may be helpful. The ecological engineering activity may be divided into: a) activities in natural areas, including rural ones, to protect and restore their ecosystem services, b) activities in increasingly biologically poorer urbanized and industrialized areas in order to create the conditions for the well-being of residents, in the reality of climate change and the prevention of further rapid change in the region, intensified by anthropogenic pressure, c) involvement in education. In the background of this division, the necessary activities of the active PTIE members include: 1) Discussing, analyzing and pointing out the problems of protection and rational use of the environment as well as natural and anthropogenic resources, 2) Organizing multidisciplinary scientific and educational conferences, 3) Development, publication and dissemination of knowledge in the field of counteracting the environmental degradation as well as the ways of protecting and rationalizing the use of the environment, 4) Cooperation with various organizations (including administration) in solving the ecological and economic problems, 5) Participation in the process of ecological legislation, 6) Opinions, eco-engineering and counseling for local communities.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., rys.
  • Department of Biological Foundations of Agriculture and Environmental Education, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszów, M. Ćwiklińskiej 1A, 25-601 Rzeszów
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