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The aim of the paper is to analyse the theoretical aspects of the European Green Deal and to identify its potential impact on the Community's regional development processes. The paper presents the objectives and assumptions of the doctrine and its global dimension. The theoretical foundations of the doctrine in economic and social dimension have been defined. An attempt was made to identify and analyse the impact of the European Green Deal on regional development processes in the European Community. Regional development has been defined as the process of development of economic potential, increase in the competitiveness of economic entities and the standard of living of the countries' inhabitants, in their regional decomposition, which takes place as a result of transforming factors and resources into goods and services, ensuring economic security. The influence of the European Green Deal on factors of economic growth and development, factors of competitive advantage of countries, system of both public and private value (natural resources, national assets), transformations in the structure of economies (emerging and declining industries), as well as costs necessary to make the doctrine a reality were indicated.
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