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The aim of this paper is to discuss and explain the use of simulation methods in basic research on the most complicated type of processes in internal logistics, namely order-picking process, in case of high-rack warehouse(s). The research was conducted for randomized orders in picking lists. The analysis in the paper leads to determination whether the gained samples of data could be assigned as any theoretical probability distribution. By the name ”samples of data”, time durations of entire order-picking processes are understood. In order to study these processes, a simulation model was developed. The model was validated in order to compare its performance with classic method of order-picking time calculation in engineering practice. The simulation model considered in the paper was developed in accordance with guidelines of Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) structure. The simulation tool used to build and analyze the simulation model was Plant Simulation 10.1.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 37 poz., fig., tab.
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