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Analysis variations in the intensity of vectors estimating indoor air pollution (PM2.5, PM10 and CO2) and noise levels are presented. The research was conducted in an office room during COVID-19. The theory of covariance functions was used to analyse changes in the intensity of the vectors of determined parameters. The estimates of the cross-covariance functions of digital vectors and the autocovariance functions of the individual vectors of air pollution and noise recording sensor parameters were calculated in line with the random functions of data arrays measuring the vectors of air pollution sensor parameters. The approximations of covariance functions were calculated by changing the quantisation interval on a time scale and applying software created based on the Matlab procedure package. The stochastic interdependence of the vectors of air pollution and noise level recording sensor parameters and variations in vectors on the time scale was established.
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Bibliogr. 25 poz., rys., tab.
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